CRUD Operations using Angular8, Node.js, and MongoDB Atlas.
3 min readOct 30, 2020
This blog will walk you through creating a MongoDB Atlas database and running a full-fledged Student application that can perform Create, Read, Update and Delete operations. Github link
Note: More focus is on back-end functionality.
- Signup and Login for Admin
- Add Student (Create)
- Display Student List (Read)
- Edit the Student details (Edit)
- Remove Student from List (Delete)
- Angular CLI
- Node.js
- Visual Studio Code (Optional)
- Git
Guidelines MongoDB Atlas Account and Database Setup
- Create an Account on MongoDB website,
- In Database Access, add new database user →fill password authentication( eg. node-crud) → give Read and Write to any database.(Database User Privileges) →Add User.
- In Network Access, add IP Address → Add Current IP Address →Confirm.
- In Clusters, cluster will created, Go to Clusters →Connect → Choose the Connection Method: Connect your application →Driver : NodeJS → Version: 3.6 and later.
- Copy MongoDB link (We will come back to this).
- Go to Clusters → Collections → Create Database → Database Name(eg. node-app) and Collection Name (eg. user) → Create.
Clone the Repository
git clone
You will see STUDENTAPP-CRUD downloaded on your machine, which has two folders.
- student-back-end (Database Operation)
- student-front-end (User Interface)
How to Run the code
Open the project in any IDE (Visual Studio Code).
Copy MongoDB Link
- Now, search for .env file.
- DB_CONNECTION: paste the MongoDB link here.
- Replace <username> and <password>with the Database Access Credentials (eg. node-crud, refer Step 2 from above). Here, I had keep username and password same but feel free to change it.
- Replace <dbname> with name of database(eg.node-app, refer Step 6 from above).
Note : Remove <> brackets from the link.
- Open new terminal & go to folder student-front-end.
- Run:
npm i
to download the dependencies - Run:
ng s
to start the server - Go to browser and you can see Login Page. Hurray 😍
> Angular by default runs on 4200 port number.
- Open a new terminal (Note: Keep the Front-end terminal as it is).
- Go to folder student-back-end.
- Run:
npm i
to download the dependencies. - Run:
npm start
to start the node.